Monday, October 20, 2008

I can't seem to keep it together emotionally

Since September, I've been having health issues that are related to stress. I had 2 lip breakouts in September, when I found out it was because the virus I have becomes aggravated by the stress levels kept in my body. So since the 10th of this month, when I got laid off from work at the travel agency on my birthday, I have just had a multitude of things happen in succession that have left me with little strength emotionally.

Lexie hit a deer; to that extent we've been battling with her about being responsible. She's gotten so lazy lately and its just been a constant battle at our house, especially between her and Tim. She's only working 1 day a week and even then, its not constant. She doesn't help out at home, and balks when you ask her to do something. We've been on her to find a different job and to start looking for a job that she can do during the Christmas break (she'll be off for a month) but she continues to procrastinate about everything, to the point where it just puts Tim and I in a bad space, between us and with her too.

I filed for unemployment for my job with the travel agency but am continuing to try and seek more hours at the hospital. While there is a need there, there is no set hours or guarantee, so I just bide my time and try to get as many hours as possible. I have to call in to unemployment, actively seek out employment, which isn't easy in the lines of work that I'm in for this town. If I have too many hours at the hospital, they won't pay the unemployment, which doesn't help our situation any.

Yesterday, to put icing on the cake, our basement drain started to back up and we had water in one corner of the basement. We ended up having to drag pails of water out of there so that we could see enough to find out what's causing the problem. I'm waiting for the plumber to get back to us and see if he can come see what the problem is.

So what happens to Sue when all of this falls on her shoulders? My shoulders get tense, it goes right up into the base of my neck, into my head and gives me the worst headaches ever. I wake up this morning guessed it, yet another breakout on my lip. No hives thank god, but still it means that the daily meds that they've got me on aren't working enough. So now the last resort is to put me on the expensive meds.....the ones that are $10 a pill. With no insurance for me.

I am seriously feeling so down and in a hole that I just want to give up and stay in bed.....for the rest of the week and year. I can't even begin to think about therapy for my stress, because again, I have no flippin insurance. I am missing my best friends, the ones that I can go to and commiserate with, cry with and at the very least, spend an evening away with and make things go away, if only momentarily. But they are 1,600 miles away in Florida.

I just want to crawl under a rock and stay there. I know I said this last week, but its not getting any better. I just don't know how much more I can take emotionally, without completely losing my mind.

For anyone that got through all this, thanks for reading.....I just needed to get it out somewhere, because my family just isn't getting it here. They don't understand why I'm so stressed and why I feel like a complete emotional basketcase.

1 comment:

Kristie said...

I'm sorry things have been so difficult Sue. You know you can always come up this way if you need a getaway.

I wish I had some great advice for you but I don't. I'm not a mom so I don't feel qualifed to comment.

I'm thinking about you!