Friday, September 26, 2008

I made the step!

I went to my first weigh in at Weight Watchers yesterday and got my materials. I signed up for their monthly pass, with Tim's blessing. I think he's starting to see how motivated I am and how serious I am about losing all this weight. So starting next week, I'll go to weigh in and I think I'll attend the meeting too. I am a little anal when it comes to doing this kind of thing, so I bought the starter kit, which inludes the food diary, plus I'm listing my foods in the e-tools online and activity as well. So far, I've earned 6 activity points this week, yay!

I am determined to stick to the program this go around and hope that I can get the weight off once again. I saw the mom of a friend of Lexie's yesterday who looked GREAT, so she's motivated me to keep going too. I even packed a lunch to take to the interpreters meeting today, after realizing how many points is in their egg salad sandwich (which really isn't that tasty). So I'll stay within my points and maybe be able to have a little something special tonight......

We were planning to go out to Applebee's where I could actually stay in WW points, but now I think Lexie might be home for supper, so those plans might get pitched. If we stay in, that would be even better, I can definitely stay within my points. And get some more activity points in too.

I hope I can continue to stay this motivated....its nice to see the pounds coming off, even if it is little by little. I know it won't happen overnight, but I'd like to be able to see them coming off like they are now.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I'm learning.......

that I can't fix everything. And I've noticed that my most wonderful teenaged daughter is trying to develop those same personalities, trying to do everything and please everyone. This last episode of my breakout, only 3 weeks from the last one was I think my little straw that broke the camels back. I have to step back and realize that no matter what, I'm probably going to piss someone off, I'm probably not going to get to everything and do everything. And I'm going to (try) and walk away from those situations that give me the greatest anxiety and stress, because its costing me my health right now.

On a good health note, I bought a digital scale today, to hold myself accountable. We had a regular older scale that is in Lexie's bathroom but I figured if I bought digital that actually gave me a number, I couldn't fudge my reading. Plus I want to compare it to what WW says (I think I'm going to my first meeting again tomorrow night! wow) and see where I stand. Based on what Lexie's scale said last week and what this one said, I'm down 3.2 pounds. Not a bad start......

On another good note, I think the new meds I got are working better than the plan we had before. So far, the swelling in my lip is down considerably AND my hives are much more controlled. The biggest plus is that my lip has not started to blister!! YAY! If I can avoid a blister, it will make for a much nicer healing. I don't want to have to spend another 2 weeks waiting for my lip to heal from blistering, so I'm keeping a positive outlook that I might be spared this time.

Friday, September 19, 2008

So where do I begin??

Kristie has inspired me to write on this blog instead....much easier to keep track of and much easier to read. I will try to post about my daily life as a mom, wife and 40 something year old female, trying to lose a few pounds and trying to keep sane in my life in the midwest.

This week has been an interesting one. My boss who is affectionately known in my world as the hospital nazi, has taken a medical leave of absence. I thought it was going to be a 3 week leave; turns out its a 3 MONTH leave. And in speaking with her supervisor, I just wonder if there's more to this story that I don't know. But in the meantime, things will get interesting without her. Hopefully it won't add any more stress to my work like than I've already had.

Stress is a huge factor in my life, between dealing with a very strong minded 18 yr old living at home and going to community college. And a great husband, but one that doesn't really know how to handle parenting our 18 yr old. They tend to butt heads ALOT, often putting me in the middle of their battles. It's something I'm working on, learning to stay out of their fights, but keep our household sane.

On the healthfront, I'm trying to keep myself as stress free as possible because we think that is what tends to make my cold sores and hives come out (at least that's what we know for now). I'm also trying to head down the right road and get the 40 something pounds that I need to lose off. My current weight is 175, which is more than I've ever weighed (while not being pg; I did weight this when I was pg but that was over 18 yrs ago). It makes me sad to see myself at this weight; I know its not healthy and as much as I've tried to do it by just cutting back on my food intake, its just not happening. So I've incorporated some exercise into my routine now.

Last week, I took my first cardio dance class with my daughter; she's the teacher. And this week, I took it one step further, by taking that class on Monday night, walking on the treadmill on Wednesday night for 45 minutes and then working out with weights and a stability ball last night for almost an hour. Not super fantastic, but definitely more effort than I had been putting into my exercise regimen. Now its a matter of actually keeping it up. I have also started to really count my foods, but I need to go back to entering them on SparkPeople, where I can see them square in the face for what I'm eating.

Tonight, we are going to a wedding and I'm going to try and be as good as possible while I'm there. However, I know that there probably will be foods that I'll have that I don't typically eat, so I'll make up for it by being extra good during the day. It will be an interesting evening anyway, as its the wedding of my stepson's I'll be mingling with my husband's ex wife's family, hee.